Surah waqiah equran
Surah waqiah equran

surah waqiah equran

As a Muslim we must recite the Holy Quran and especially Surah Waqiah regularly with meanings to understand it. Surah e Al-Fath Online - Read Holy Quran Online at.

surah waqiah equran

There will be only good deeds will help us there.

surah waqiah equran

Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) said, “Surah Mulk is a protector a rescuer saving from the chastisement of the grave.” (At-Tirmidhi and Al-Hakim.) We can’t guarantee authenticity of this hadith but there are huge rewards for reading Surah Waqiah or even one word or verese and Allah knows better and he can give reward according to him. There is hadith saying that “Who reads Surat al-Waqi`ah every night will never be poor.” To keep protected and prepare for the next World. It has been noted that there are so many benefits for reciting and knowing this Surah. He guarantees that the day of judgment will come one day, and each person has to answer what he did in this life. Allah almighty ensures the day of judgment. Surah Waqiah is the 56th surah of the Holy Quran. Listen the best audio quality of Surah Waqiah by Shaikh Abd-ur Rahman As-Sudais, with option to read Arabic text on screen.

#Surah waqiah equran pdf

To become successful we should read these surahs regularly and understand meanings of these surahs also. Surah Waqiah PDF - Download Al-Waqia surah Arabic Translation. Islamic scholars believe that readers of Surah Waqiah and other surahs will be protected in the both World. Whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth glorifies Allah. The Prophet(SAW) said, ‘Surah al Waqiah is the Surah of Wealth, so recite it and teach it to your children’ Basic Information and Facts on Surah Al-Hashr Surah (Chapter) Number: 59 Number of Verses: 24 English Meaning: The Gathering Surah Al-Hashr (The Gathering) Arabic and English Translation 1.

Surah waqiah equran