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Approximately playing online games will bring more positive impacts as long as it is done in a reasonable stage (knowing the limit when to stop).

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So the main point, online games have many impacts on our lives, both positive and negative impacts, although it can be said that it depends on the user. addiction and drain brain energy for the user ". He said that "a lot of game users say that the game can refresh the brain, but if I think it's the opposite, so playing games can make the brain tired, especially online games that can be said to be on the rise in this era. Firmansyah has a different opinion, he is someone who can be said to be anti-game. And it is necessary to know that anything excessive is not good". Roy is one of the few people who have a hobby of playing games, he said that "not all games have a negative impact, so it depends on each individual. Having more Friends, Reducing stress, Practicing patience, and agility. One of the negative impacts caused by online games, namely: Causing an addictive effect, isolating people from the life around them, making people lazy, health disorders, causing psychological problems if you think too much, lacking sleep, etc.

  • Negative & positive impact of online games on teenagers.
  • As a human being who accepts change, there need to be limitations on the extent of the negative impact it causes. The emergence of online games as technological development in this modern era certainly needs to be addressed with various positive and negative points of view according to its users.


    Examples of online games that are currently most in demand include Mobile Legend, Free Fire, PUBG, etc. In addition, online games can be played together with other game players (players/gamers) and communicate directly between fellow players in the same game. This type of game can be accessed by game lovers directly from the company's system via the internet network on computers, laptops, tablets, or cellphones. Online games are a type of computer game that utilizes the internet network.

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    However, the thing to remember is that Report Text is not a news text, but scientific factual text.Ĥ ) The example of Report text Online games

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    In essence, this section describes the classification presented scientifically. This section usually provides a description of the phenomenon or situation that occurs, both its parts, nature, habits, or behavior. This section contains general statements that describe the object description of this Report Text.

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